we work for farmers

sacramento H.Q.


Every member of our team based in the United States, from barista to CEO, works to ensure that 100% of profits goes to the people who work the hardest to get the best cup of coffee to you; coffee farmers. Meet the team who roasts, packs, ships, markets and brews our farmers very best, organic coffee.

Thaleon Tremain

Co-founder and CEO

Ed Alagozian

Chief Operating Officer

Cruz Conrad

Chief Retail Officer

Maksym Khaliziev

Production Manager

Xochil Navarrete

Wholesale Manager

Ashley Fleming

Communications Manager

Julia Glick

Office Manager

Lena Kondryuk

Café Operations Manager

Kyla Whitley

Lead Roaster


Want to work with us? Apply for production positions or to work as a barista in our cafes using the links below! We don't have any admin opportunities available right now but keep an eye out for the future!


Roasting, packing, and shipping coffee is the foundation of Pachamama Coffee. Based in El Dorado Hills, CA the production and roasting team makes sure that evey bag of coffee packed is filled with the freshest coffee possible.


The communications, marketing, administrative and e-commerce teams plan events, conduct community outreach, respond to customer inquiries, and sustain partnerships essential to Pachamama Coffee. We are not currently hiring for these positions. Follow us on Linked In to stay up to date with open positions!

Open Positions


Café staff expertly brew and craft espresso drinks to best reflect the high quality coffee that we offer. Our baristas are trained with state of the art equipment and learn the ins and outs of revolutionary coffee.


Board of Advisors